The Al Qaeda attack on America’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon is considered one of the biggest terrorist attacks in world history.
23 years have passed since the 9/11 terrorist attack in America.
The biggest terrorist attack in the history of the world is considered to be the Al Qaeda terrorist attack on the twin World Trade Center buildings in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.
The target of the first attack of the 9/11 series of attacks using four passenger transport planes was the North Tower of the World Trade Center building in New York at 8.46 am local time.
17 minutes after that, at 9.03 am, an attack was also made on its south tower using a passenger plane.
Within an hour and 45 minutes of the first attack, the twin towers of the 110-storey shopping center collapsed.
Before the heat of the New York attack subsided, another plane was used to attack the Pentagon, which is considered to be the headquarters of American security, at 9.37 am.
Simultaneously with these three attacks, another plane crashed in an isolated area in the state of Pennsylvania, killing 44 people including passengers, crew members and terrorists who tried to hijack the plane.
It was suspected that the terrorist plan was to use that plane to attack the White House.
However, it has been revealed later that the plane crashed before that because the passengers on board bravely fought with the people who came to hijack the plane.
2,977 people were killed in this attack, causing nearly 10 billion dollars in financial damage to America.
Among those people are the people who stayed at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, as well as the people who were on the passenger planes.
In addition, 19 terrorists involved in the attack were also killed.
The mastermind behind the attack was Osama bin Laden, the then leader of Al-Qaeda.
After the September 11 attack, which is considered to be the main attack that changed the world political map, America started a global fight against terrorism.
As a result, the American army that invaded Afghanistan overthrew the Taliban regime there.