Walpolamulla is one of the first villages in the list of smallest villages in Sri Lanka. Some data reports and various sources state that Walpolamulla is currently the smallest abandoned village in Sri Lanka. Although many tourists walk around Matale and Riverston, this village is a place that many miss. It is located in the Knuckles Reserve in the Dumbara Valley. From Matale take the Rattota Road, pass the Riverston and Pitawala falls and take the Ilukkumbura Road to reach the beautiful village of Atonwala.
The road to this village is quite difficult. The only way to reach this village is by going through a very difficult jungle road for about 4 km without any transport facilities. Due to the lack of transport facilities and the harassment of wild elephants and wildlife, as well as the limited number of families living here, they have been abandoned. At present the village has only a deserted paddy field, a house and a few other ruins left. Situated in the Dumbara Valley of the Knuckles Reserve facing the magnificent Dumbara Range, this village has a beautiful scenery. In this beautiful village you can see the gigantic Dumbara Range on one side and the beautiful Dumbara waterfalls that cascade down from time to time.
According to some sources, Walpolamulla is the smallest village not only in Sri Lanka but also in Asia. Nothing can be said about its accuracy. However, today it is said to be the smallest uninhabited village in Sri Lanka. Although it is a difficult village, it is believed that this village was a fertile village for rice during the time when people lived there. There are other beautiful mountain ranges, waterfalls and caves in the Dumbara Valley. Manigala mountain is also located close to this village.
If you are also planning to visit here, pay special attention to the following points. As always mentioned, the general public in our country is never barred from viewing and enjoying the open ecosystem. Because these are no one’s personal property. But visitors need to know how to protect these things and save them so that no one else can enjoy the beauty without disturbing the surroundings and the animals. So be sure to consider it if you are traveling. “Save only the footprints.”
The next point is that Walpolamulla is an area inhabited by wildlife, especially wild elephants and snakes. So pay more attention to it and be concerned about safety. Next, do not forget to bring as much water and food as you need. Again, be sure not to do any harm to this beautiful environment. After visiting this village we all came across a beautiful popular song. If you go to Walpolamulla you will have that experience too. Finally I will remember that song too.
“Near Dumbara Valley
In the middle of a beautiful village
Andara was near the fence
I felt like a fire ”